Michael Diamond

Michael Diamond

Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder

NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory

Michael is a CIRES Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow working in NOAA’s Chemical Sciences Laboratory and the CU Boulder Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. He graduated with a PhD from the University of Washington in Atmospheric Sciences in 2020. His research focuses on how the interactions between tiny particles suspended in the atmosphere (aerosols) affect cloud properties and therefore Earth’s climate. He is interested in how the science of these aerosol-cloud interactions can inform proposals to artificially brighten marine clouds to offset some amount of global warming and how transdisciplinary connections will be needed to assess the feasibility of marine cloud brightening.


  • Marine cloud brightening
  • Aerosol-cloud interactions
  • Earth’s albedo


  • PhD, Atmospheric Sciences, 2020

    University of Washington, Seattle